
Mike Hoskins

Mike Hoskins is an editor on OptumNow’s content team. Prior to that, he served as an editor for Healthline’s clinical content. He served as managing editor of DiabetesMine from May 2012 to May 2022. He has lived with type 1 diabetes since age 5 in 1984, and his mom was also diagnosed with T1D at the same young age. With a journalism degree from Oakland University, Mike has over two decades of experience at various daily, weekly, and specialty print and digital media publications. When not working you may find Mike exploring family history, visiting coffee houses, or hanging with his dog around Southeast Michigan.

Healthline Editorial Guidelines

Finding health and wellness information is easy. It’s everywhere. But finding trustworthy, relevant, usable information can be hard and even overwhelming. Healthline is changing all that. We’re making health information understandable and accessible so you can make the best decisions for yourself and the people you love. Read more about our process

Articles by Mike Hoskins