Sinus bradycardia, or a slow heart rate, can be a sign of cardiovascular health in young, healthy adults and endurance athletes. But it can also be a sign of an underlying condition requiring medical attention.
Bradycardia happens when your heart rate is slower than typical. Your heart normally beats between 60 and 100 times per minute. Bradycardia is defined as a heart rate slower than
Though it’s most common in older adults, it can affect anyone and may occur alongside other conditions, including sinus arrhythmia.
But what causes sinus bradycardia? And is it serious? Continue reading as we explore more about sinus bradycardia as well as how it’s diagnosed and treated.
Why is it called sinus bradycardia?
Sinus bradycardia is a type of slowed heart rate that originates from the sinus node of your heart.
Some people refer to the sinus node as
Meanwhile, the term “bradycardia” is used to describe a heart rate that’s slower than typical.
Sinus bradycardia doesn’t always indicate a health problem. In some people, the heart can still pump blood efficiently with fewer beats per minute. For example, healthy young adults or endurance athletes
It can also occur during sleep, particularly when you’re in a deep sleep. Though it can happen to anyone, it’s more common in older adults.
Sinus bradycardia can also occur along with sinus arrhythmia. Sinus arrhythmia happens when the timing between sinus heartbeats is irregular. For example, in someone with sinus arrhythmia, the timing between heartbeats
Both sinus bradycardia and sinus arrhythmia may commonly occur during sleep. Sinus bradycardia can be a sign of a healthy heart. But it can also be a sign of a failing electrical system. For example, older adults may develop a sinus node that doesn’t work to generate electrical impulses reliably or fast enough.
Sinus bradycardia
Many people who have sinus bradycardia don’t have any symptoms aside from a slower heart rate.
But if not enough blood is being pumped to the organs of your body,
- feeling dizzy or light-headed
- becoming tired quickly when you’re physically active
- fatigue
- shortness of breath
- chest pain
- being confused or having trouble with memory
- fainting
Sinus bradycardia happens when your sinus node generates a heartbeat
- damage that occurs to the heart through things like aging, heart surgery, heart disease, and heart attack
- a congenital condition (present at birth)
- conditions that cause inflammation around the heart, such as pericarditis or myocarditis
- electrolyte imbalance, particularly of potassium,
magnesium , or calcium - underlying conditions, such as obstructive sleep apnea and underactive thyroid, or hypothyroidism
- infections such as Lyme disease or complications from infections, such as rheumatic fever
- certain medications, including beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, or lithium
- sick sinus syndrome or sinus node dysfunction, which can occur as the electrical system of the heart ages
Because bradycardia can be caused by damage to the heart, factors associated with heart disease may also be linked to a higher risk of sinus bradycardia. Risk factors for heart disease may
- older age
- family history of heart disease
- smoking
- high blood pressure
- high cholesterol levels
- obesity
- diabetes
To diagnose sinus bradycardia, a doctor typically first
- listening to your heart
- measuring your heart rate
- taking your blood pressure
They may also take your medical history. They may ask you about your symptoms, what medications you’re currently taking, and if you have any underlying health conditions.
A doctor uses an electrocardiogram (ECG) to detect and characterize bradycardia. This test measures the electrical signals that pass through your heart using several small sensors attached to your chest. It delivers results as a wave pattern.
Bradycardia may not occur while you’re in the doctor’s office. Because of this, a doctor may ask you to wear a portable ECG device or “arrhythmia monitor” to record your heart’s activity. You may need to wear the device for a few days or sometimes longer.
A few other tests may be performed as part of the diagnostic process. These can include:
- Stress testing: A stress test monitors your heart rate while you exercise. This can help a doctor understand how your heart rate responds to physical activity.
- Blood tests: These tests can help detect whether things like an electrolyte imbalance, an infection, or a condition like hypothyroidism may be causing your condition.
- Sleep monitoring: Sleep monitoring can be used to detect sleep apnea that may be causing bradycardia, especially at night.
- Toxicology screening: A toxicology screen checks for drugs or other chemicals in your blood that could contribute to sinus bradycardia.
- Cardiac troponin testing: A cardiac troponin test is used to determine blood levels of troponin, a type of protein found in the heart muscles that indicates damage to the heart.
- Transthoracic echocardiography: A transthoracic ECG allows doctors to look at the heart’s anatomy and function.
Other tests may also be used to diagnose sinus bradycardia, including a chest X-rays, urinalysis, or viral panels.
A doctor can help determine which tests may be beneficial for diagnosing the cause of your symptoms and deciding whether or not treatment is necessary.
For those who experience symptoms or otherwise need treatment, how the condition is treated depends on what’s causing it. Some treatment options may include:
- Treating underlying conditions: If something like thyroid disease, sleep apnea, or an infection is causing sinus bradycardia, a doctor can help develop a treatment plan to address it.
- Adjusting medications: If a medication you’re taking is causing your heart rate to slow, a doctor may either adjust the dosage of the medication or withdraw it completely, if possible.
- Implanting a pacemaker: People with frequent or severe sinus bradycardia may need a pacemaker. This is a small device that’s implanted in your chest. It uses electrical impulses to help maintain a regular heart rate.
A doctor may also suggest making certain lifestyle changes. These
- eating a heart-healthy diet, which focuses on plenty of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains while limiting foods high in fat, salt, and added sugar
- staying active and getting regular exercise
- maintaining a moderate weight
- managing conditions that can contribute to heart disease, such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol
- attending regular checkups with a doctor and letting them know if you experience any new symptoms or changes to existing ones
In most cases, you should start to feel better shortly after starting treatment for sinus bradycardia or addressing the underlying conditions that may cause it.
Recovery may take
A healthcare professional can provide more in-depth information about your treatment plan, including when you should expect to feel better. It may depend on:
- the cause
- the severity of your symptoms
- your overall health
While it’s not usually possible to prevent sinus bradycardia, you can take certain steps can help reduce your risk, prevent complications, and help keep your heart healthy.
These may
- avoiding smoking or vaping, if applicable
- getting regular physical activity
- reaching or maintaining a moderate weight
- following a heart-healthy diet, which
includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and minimally processed foods - working with a healthcare professional to manage high blood pressure or high cholesterol levels
Many people with sinus bradycardia don’t experience any symptoms and may not require treatment.
For individuals who do experience symptoms, early diagnosis and treatment from a healthcare professional can
Making changes to your diet and lifestyle and working with a doctor to manage other underlying conditions can also prevent heart damage and minimize complications.
The following includes frequently asked questions about sinus bradycardia.
What can I expect if I have this condition?
Many people with sinus bradycardia may not experience symptoms and may not require treatment. If you notice symptoms, it’s best to consult with a doctor to determine the cause and begin treatment. This can help prevent complications and improve your outlook.
How long does bradycardia last?
Sinus bradycardia can be a short-term issue that’s resolved quickly, especially if it’s caused by certain medications, electrolyte imbalances, or acute infections. However, if it’s caused by a congenital or chronic health condition, it
How do I take care of myself?
If you’ve received a diagnosis of sinus bradycardia, taking medications as prescribed and having regular checkups with a doctor to address any concerns can help you recover. A doctor may also recommend following a heart-healthy, well-rounded diet, staying active, and managing other underlying conditions.
If you’re experiencing symptoms consistent with sinus bradycardia, you may want to make an appointment with a doctor. While sometimes sinus bradycardia doesn’t need treatment, other times it can signal serious health conditions that need attention.
The Healthline FindCare tool can provide options in your area if you don’t already have a doctor.
When it’s an emergency
Always contact 911 or local emergency services if you experience:
- chest pain that lasts longer than a few minutes
- trouble breathing
- fainting
Sinus bradycardia is a slow, regular heart rate. It happens when your heart’s pacemaker, the sinus node, generates a heartbeat
For some people, such as healthy young adults and athletes, sinus bradycardia can be a sign of cardiovascular health.
It can also occur during deep sleep. Many people with the condition don’t even know they have it.
Sometimes, sinus bradycardia can cause symptoms, including dizziness, fatigue, and fainting. If you experience these symptoms, see a doctor.
They can work with you to diagnose sinus bradycardia and develop a treatment plan, if needed.